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Flights from Chicago to Phoenix

Last updated on Friday 07/26/2024 at 05:00 AM, the fares mentioned below are for flight tickets and inclusive of fuel surcharges, service fee and taxes. Based on historical data, these fares are subject to change without prior notice and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking. Kindly go through our terms and conditions before booking.

14 Sep 2024 - 21 Sep 2024
05 Sep 2024 - 09 Sep 2024
17 Sep 2024 - 20 Sep 2024
24 Aug 2024 - 29 Aug 2024
12 Aug 2024 - 19 Aug 2024
05 Sep 2024 - 10 Sep 2024
*All fares are quoted in USD. These fares are based on historical data. Might differ and cannot be guaranteed at the time of booking.

Cheap Flights from Chicago (CHI) to Phoenix (PHX)

Air travel is getting more and more expensive nowadays, and we have to move heaven and earth to find some cheap flight tickets for our travel. Tired of this relentless search, we end up cancelling our plans to travel. So, if you’re facing similar troubles in finding some cheap flights from Chicago to Phoenix, then we might be able to help you through. We, Lookupfare, can provide a number of deals on air travel and other requirements that you come across while planning for such things. Just with a glance through our website, you get an array of affordable travel opportunities to choose from. And when the choice is yours, you always make the right decision. So, browse through our website today and explore a whole new world of convenient traveling itineraries.

About Flights from Chicago (CHI) to Phoenix (PHX)

How to get cheap flight tickets from Chicago to Phoenix?

To get some affordable Chicago to Phoenix flights, you should book your flight tickets in advance (months before your departure date.) This way you get these for less money. You can make them more affordable by booking them for a weekday.

Which are the most popular airlines that fly from Chicago to Phoenix?

The most popular airlines that offer regular flights to Phoenix from Chicago include American Airlines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines and Delta Airlines.

How long is the flight from Chicago to Phoenix?

The average time needed to travel from Chicago in a flight to Phoenix is about 3 hours and 45 minutes.

How far is Phoenix from Chicago?

The distance between these two destinations is about 1450 miles.

How long do most people stay in Phoenix?

Most people spend about 3-4 days in Phoenix.