Summer Travel Deals
Beat the Heat!
The warmest season of the year, summer extends from the summer solstice through to the autumnal equinox. The season introduces the rainy season, because with the heat, the water is evaporated and the vapors are comfortably stored in the atmosphere, consequently these vapors are formed into clouds that shower as rain on earth for months.
Summer makes it possible for a lot of outdoor and social activities which are impossible in the freezing cold season of winter. Number of people go for picnics, sunbathe in the beaches and visit parks to unwind and relax themselves under the clear skies.
For the party rockers, summer time is dubbed as an 'open season', there are so many parties happening to take advantage of the fine weather, with the clear skies the summer plays host to a very bright moon, perfect for this purpose.
Summer season brings brighter and longer days, which exposes the magnificence of nature, allure of the green grasses, blossom of flowers and the myriad birds and animals return to the melted and beauteous fields. Everybody dresses with lighter materials to avoid the scorching heat of the sun; you can spot many in shorts, sunglasses, summer dresses and sandals. Some fruits like mangos and pineapples, are ripe during summer, so the season brings the opportunity to the people to relish these delicious fruits.